Kazuki Watanabe
Kazuki Watanabe
He was born in Kobe, Japan. He studied at Tokyo University of the Arts. He is
active in various fields as a freelance player. Chamber music, support for
many orchestras and wind band performances, recording movies, games, TV
program recordings, participation in musical works etc.
He is a member of Blitz Philharmonic Winds, Hobereaux Clarinet Ensemble,
Tokyo Sereno Bass Clarinet Ensemble, Takuo Yamamoto’s woodwind sextet
He released his first CD “Triptyque” on October 3, 2018. In that CD he
handled three clarinets [Eflat, Bflat and Bassclarinet] and painted a stunning
world. That CD is highly appreciated in Japan.
He use these instrumentals,
Schwenk&Seggelke modl 1000 [Bflat, A]
With Wi&Fi S1 mouthpiece
Patricola cl.1 special [Eflat]
Selmer Paris Privilege [Bass]